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2024/9/12 19:14 5666184 A_Table_Lookup_Method_for_Exact_Analytical_Solutio.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 225626 Advanced analysis of local fractional calculus.pdf
2024/9/12 19:17 99847554 advances in fractional calculus 分数阶微积分.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 51096 algebra.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 1125256 ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY - MILNE.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 2995120 complex analysis 复分析-stein.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 852994 Complex-partial-course-notes.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 62047 complex.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 55255 conic.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 73645 diff.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 184565 digamma function.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 9152842 Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems.10th.2012.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 106701 formulae2015.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 277493 Fractional Calculus - History, Definitions, and Applications for the Engineer.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 9628354 fractional calculus and its applications in physics.PDF
2024/9/12 19:13 1551524 Fractional Calculus-for-Hydrology-Soil-Science-Ge.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 42682934 Fractional Integrals And Derivatives - Theory and Applications.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 10146794 Game Theory for Networks[J].Cheng J, Hossain E, Zhang H, et al..pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 175965 gamma function.pdf
2024/9/12 19:13 167355 General Methods For Solving Ordinary Differential Equations 1.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 2318668 geometric algebra for computer graphics.pdf
2024/9/12 19:15 25139085 geometry,topology and physics 几何拓扑与物理(Nakahara).pdf
2024/9/12 19:18 <dir> GTM
2024/9/12 19:14 3168613 Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 10355169 Handbook of Mathematics.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 3703643 Handbook of Special Functions (Yury A. Brychkov).pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 444212 HandbookMath2016.pdf
2024/9/12 19:17 53678308 Higher Transcendental Functions-Volume1.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 318881 integral table.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 95619 integrals.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 609819 Introduction Sets functions integrals - 2013.4.22.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 1168675 Introduction to the Special functions of mathematical physics.pdf
2024/9/12 19:15 13773800 Introduction To The Theory Of Fourier Integrals-Titchmarsh.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 376837 lecture notes for topology 拓扑学讲义-English.MIT.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 46102 limit.pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 270795 math handbook (Russian).pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 269305 math-escapades-V1.pdf
2024/9/12 19:15 9027365 Mathematical Analysis I , Zorich.pdf
2024/9/12 19:15 12714457 Mathematical.Analysis.II,Zorich.V.A.(Springer.2004.p704).pdf
2024/9/12 19:14 1826880 Mathematical.Formulas.for.Economists.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 21783480 Mathematical·Handbook.PDF
2024/9/12 19:14 287886 method of mathematical physics 数理方法--剑桥大学.1997.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 29305489 NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 29305489 NIST+Handbook+of+Mathematical+Functions.pdf
2024/9/12 19:15 338437 Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Applications (2nd ed.).pdf
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2024/9/12 19:15 114887 probability formula.pdf
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2024/9/12 19:16 3741387 Real_Analysis_Fon-Che_Liu.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 1349621 Riemann Geometry 13.黎曼几何.2010.pdf
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2024/9/12 19:16 6006289 Sobolev Spaces- with Applications.Vladimir Maz'ya.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 6134575 summation of series 级数求和.1961.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 7727840 Table of Integrals,Series and Products Eighth Edition.pdf
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2024/9/12 19:17 8538680 The Princeton companion to math 普林斯顿数学手册-p1057.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 114293 trig.pdf
2024/9/12 19:17 5665827 UTM Combinatorics and graph theory 经典教材:组合数学与图论.pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 2608077 UTX- Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and partial differential equatios.Brezis H..pdf
2024/9/12 19:16 2796401 UTX-An introduction to manifolds 流形导论(英文第二版-Loring W. Tu).pdf