A step function to illustrate the piecewise() function of Math:

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4

The plotting function can be written

plot( x => piecewise( [], ... )(x), [] )

if more clarity is desired in explicitly indicating the argument of the piecewise function.

Complete code for this example:

<div class="mathcell" style="height: 5in">

var parent = document.currentScript.parentNode;

var id = generateId();
parent.id = id;

MathCell( id, [] );

parent.update = function( id ) {

var data = [ plot( piecewise( [ x => 0, [0,1] ], [ x => 1, [1,2] ],
[ x => 2, [2,3] ], [ x => 3, [3,4] ],
[ x => 4, [4,5] ] ),
[0,5] ) ];

var config = { type: 'svg' };

evaluate( id, data, config );


parent.update( id );


Examples Page