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Examples of Fractional Calculus Computer Algebra System 例题


  • Arithmetic 算术
    1. Exact_computation
    2. Numerical approximations
    3. Complex 复数
  • Numeric math 数值数学
  • Algebra 代数
    1. expand
    2. factor
    3. combine
    4. convert
    5. inverse function
    6. inverse equation
    7. polynomial
  • Function 函数
    1. Trigonometry 三角函数
    2. Complex Function 复变函数
    3. special Function
  • Calculus 微积分
    1. Limit
    2. Derivatives
    3. Integrals
    4. Fractional calculus
    5. vector calculus
  • Equation 方程
      One unknown equation
    1. inverse equation
    2. polynomial equation
    3. Algebra_equation
    4. absolute equation
    5. congruence equation
    6. Modulus equation
    7. Probability_equation
    8. recurrence_equation
    9. functional_equation
    10. difference_equation
    11. vector_equation

    12. equation for 2 unknown
    13. Diophantine equation
    14. equation for 3 unknown
    15. equation for 4 unknown

    16. system of equations
    17. system of One unknown parametric equations
    18. system of 2 unknown parametric equations
    19. system of 3 unknown equations

    20. Inequalities

    21. differential equation
    22. ordinary differential equation (ODE)
    23. fractional differential equation
    24. integral equation
    25. fractional integral equation
    26. differential integral equation
    27. system of differential equations

    28. partial differental equation (PDE)
    29. fractional partial differental equation
    30. system of partial differential equations

    31. test solution
    32. test equation
    33. bugs
  • Transform 转换
    1. laplace
    2. fourer
    3. convolute
  • Discrete Math 离散数学
    1. Summation ∑
    2. Indefinite sum
    3. definite sum
    4. infinite sum
    5. Series 级数
    6. Product ∏
  • Definition 定义式
  • Number Theory 数论
  • Probability 概率
  • Multi elements 多元
    1. and
    2. list
  • Statistics 统计
  • Linear Algebra 线性代数
    1. vector
    2. matrix
    3. array
  • programming 编程
  • Graphics
    1. Classification by plotting function 按制图函数分类
    2. Classification by dimension 按维数分类
    3. Classification by appliaction 按应用分类
    4. Classification by objects 按物体分类
    5. Classification by function 按函数分类
    6. Classification by equation 按方程分类
    7. Classification by domain 按领域分类
    8. Classification by libary 按文库分类
    9. Classification by calculator 按计算器分类
    10. Classification by platform 按平台分类
  • Plot 制图
    1. Interactive plot 互动制图
    2. parametric plot, polar plot
    3. solve equation graphically
    4. area plot with integral
    5. complex plot
    6. Geometry 几何
  • plane graph 平面图
    1. plane graph 平面图 with plot2D
    2. function plot with funplot
    3. differentiate graphically with diff2D
    4. integrate graphically with integrate2D
    5. solve ODE graphically with odeplot
  • 3D graph 立体图
    1. surface in 3D with plot3D
    2. contour in 3D with contour3D
    3. wireframe in 3D with wirefram3D
    4. complex function in 3D with complex3D
    5. a line in 3D with parametric3D
    6. a column in 3D with parametric3D
    7. the 4-dimensional object (x,y,z,t) in 3D with implicit3D
  • Drawing 画画

    Do exercise and learn from example. If something wrong, please clear meomery by clicking the AC button, then do again.

      Arithmetic 算术 >>

      Exact computation

    1. Fraction `1E2-1/2`
    2. mod operation:
      input mod(3,2) for 3 mod 2

      big number in Java

    3. Add prefix "big" to number for Big integer:
    4. Add prefix "big" to number for Big decimal:
    5. big number in JavaScript

      computation in JavaScript should to click the numeric button or expression ending with equal sign =

      The default precision for BigNumber is 64 digits, and can be configured with the option precision.

    6. bignumber(1.23456789123456789)=

      Round-off errors

      Calculations with BigNumber are much slower than calculations with Number, but they can be executed with an arbitrary precision. By using a higher precision, it is less likely that round-off errors occur:
      // round-off errors with numbers
    7. math.add(0.1, 0.2) // Number, 0.30000000000000004
    8. math.divide(0.3, 0.2) // Number, 1.4999999999999998

      // no round-off errors with BigNumbers :)

    9. math.add(math.bignumber(0.1), math.bignumber(0.2)) // BigNumber, 0.3
    10. math.divide(math.bignumber(0.3), math.bignumber(0.2)) // BigNumber, 1.5

      Numerical approximations

      There are two types of numeric computation: JavaScript and Java numeric computation:

      JavaScript numeric computation

    11. numeric computation with the ≈ button :

    12. numeric computation end with the equal sign = :

      Java numeric computation

    13. numeric computation with the ≈≈ button :

    14. Convert back with numeric computation function n(x) :
      n( sin(pi/4) )
      n( sin(30 degree) )
    15. `sin^((0.5))(1)` is the 0.5 order derivative of sin(x) at x=1 :
      n( sin(0.5,1) )
    16. `sin(1)^(0.5)` is the 0.5 power of sin(x) at x=1 :
      n( sin(1)^0.5 )
    17. more are in numeric math

      Complex 复数

      math handbook chapter 1.1.2 complex
      There are two types of complex number: JavaScript complex and Java complex:

      input complex numbers

    18. input complex numbers in the complex plane:
    19. in small letters of complex(1,2) is complex number:
    20. in first upper case letter of Complex(1,2) is object in JavaScript complex:

    21. input complex number in polar(r,theta) coordinates:

    22. input complex number in polar(r,theta*degree) coordinates:

    23. input complex number in polar(r,theta) coordinates for degree by polard(r,degree):

    24. input complex number in trig format of r*cis(theta*degree) :
    25. Convert complex to polar(r,theta) coordinates

    26. Convert complex a+b*i to polar(r,theta) coordinates in Java:
      convert 1-i to polar
      convert back to a+b*i format by to remove last letter s or click the simplify button

    27. Convert complex a+b*i to polar(r,theta*degree) coordinates:

    28. convert back to a+b*i format by to remove last letter s or click the simplify button

    29. Convert complex a+b*i to polar(r,theta) coordinates in JavaScript:

      convert to vector

      complex(1,2) number is special vector, i.e. the 2-dimentional vector, so it can be converted to vector.

    30. to Java vector(1,2)
      convert 1-i to vector

    31. to JavaScript vector [1,2]

      complex number plot

    32. in order to auto plot complex number as vector, input complex(1,-2) for 1-2i, or convert 1-2i to complex(1,-2) by
      convert 1-2i to complex
      convert(1-2i to complex)

      complex function plot

    33. complex animation(z) show animation of complex function in complex domain of complex variable z.
    34. complexplot(z) show phrase and/or modulus of complex function in complex domain of complex variable z.

    35. re2D plot: real curve (blue) and imag cureve (red) on real domain

    36. im2D plot: real curve (blue) and imag cureve (red) on imag domain

    37. put imagary i with variable x for plot on imag domain:

      more are in complex2D(x) show 2 curves of real and imag parts in realand imag domains.

    38. complex 3D plot:

      more are in complex function with complex3D(x) in complex domain of complex variable x.

    39. Numeric math 数值数学 >>

      数值数学 = 计算数学
      math handbook chapter 3.4

    40. computation in JavaScript should to click the numeric button or expression ending with equal sign =

    41. numeric computation with the n(x) ≈≈ button:
      n( sin(30 degree) )
      n sin(30 degree)

    42. numeric solve equation:
      nsolve( x^2-5*x+6=0 )
      nsolve( x^2-5*x+6 )

    43. find_root(x,-10,10) between -10 and 10 for numeric equation:
      find_root( x^2-5*x+6==0 )
      find_root( x^2-5*x+6 )

    44. JavaScript numeric calculator with the ≈ button can calculate numeric, number theory, Probability, Statistics, matrix, solve equation.

      more example in JavaScript mathjs

    45. numeric integrate, by default x from 0 to 1:
      nint( x^2-5*x+6,x,0,1 )
      nint x^2-5*x+6 as x from 0 to 1
      nint sin(x)

    46. numeric computation with the funplot ≈ button:

      more calculus operation in JavaScript calculus

    47. Algebra 代数 >>

      math handbook chapter 1 algebra

    48. simplify:
      taylor( (x^2 - 1)/(x-1) )
    49. expand:
      expand( (x-1)^3 )

    50. factorizing:
      factor( x^2+3*x+2 )
    51. factor high order polymonial by factor(x)== :
      factor( x^3-1 )==
    52. factorization:
      factor( x^4-1 )==
    53. combine two terms:
      combine( log(a)+log(b) )
    54. tangent

    55. tangent equation at x=0 by default
      tangent( sin(x) )

    56. tangent equation at x=1
      tangent( sin(x),x=1 )

    57. tangentplot(x) show dynamic tangent line when your mouse over the curve.
      tangentplot( sin(x) )


      convert( sin(x) to exp) is the same as toexp(sin(x))
    58. convert to exp:
      toexp( cos(x) )
    59. convert to trig:
      convert exp(x) to trig
    60. convert sin(x) to exp(x):
      convert sin(x) to exp = toexp( sin(x) )

    61. Convert to exp(x):
    62. inverse function

    63. input sin(x), click the inverse button
      inverse( sin(x) )
      check its result by clicking the inverse button again.
      In order to show multi-value, use the inverse equation instead function.

      inverse equation

    64. inverse equation to show multivalue if it has:
      inverse( sin(x)=y )
      check its result by clicking the inverse button again.


      math handbook chapter 20.5 polynomial

    65. the unit polynomial:
      Enter poly(3,x) = poly(3) for the unit polynomial with degree 3: x^3+x^2+x+1.

    66. Hermite polynomial:
      hermite(3,x) gives the Hermite polynomial while hermite(3) gives Hermite number.

    67. harmonic polynomial:
      harmonic(-3,1,x) = harmonic(-3,x)

    68. the zeta( ) polynomial:

    69. simplify(x):
      taylor( (x^2 - 1)/(x-1) )
    70. expand(x) polynomial:

    71. topoly(x) convert polynomial to polys(x) as holder of polynomial coefficients,
      convert `x^2-5*x+6` to poly = topoly( `x^2-5*x+6` )

    72. simplify polys(x) to polynomial:
      simplify( polys(1,-5,6,x) )

    73. polyroots(x) is holder of polynomial roots, topolyroot(x) convert a polynomial to polyroots.
      convert (x^2-1) to polyroot = topolyroot(x^2-1)

    74. polysolve(x) numerically solve polynomial for multi-roots:

    75. nsolve(x) numerically solve for a single root:

    76. solve(x) for sybmbloic and numeric roots:

    77. construct polynomial from roots, activate polyroots(x) to polynomial, and reduce roots to polynomial equation = 0 by click on the simplify(x) button.
      simplify( polyroots(2,3) )


      When the variable x of polynomial is numnber, it becomes polynomial number, please see Number_Theory section.
    78. Function 函数 >>

      math handbook chapter 1 Function 函数

      Trigonometry 三角函数

    79. expand Trigonometry by expandtrig(x) :
      expandtrig( sin(x)^2 )
    80. inverse function :
      inverse( sin(x) )

    81. plot a multivalue function by the inverse equation :
      inverse( sin(x)=y )

    82. expand trig function :
      expandtrig( sin(x)^2 )
    83. expand special function :
      expand( gamma(2,x) )
    84. factor(x) :
      factor( sin(x)*cos(x) )

    85. Complex Function 复变函数

      math handbook chapter 10 Complex Function 复变函数
      complex2D(x) shows 2 curves of the real and imag parts in real domain x, and complex3D(x) shows complex function in complex domain x, for 20 graphes in one plot.

    86. re2D plot: real curve (blue) and imag cureve (red) on real domain

    87. im2D plot: real curve (blue) and imag cureve (red) on imag domain

    88. put imagary i with variable x for plot on imag domain:

      more are in complex2D(x) for 2 curves of real and imag parts in complex domain of complex variable x.

    89. complex animation(z) show animation of complex function in complex domain of complex variable z.
    90. complexplot(z) show phrase and/or modulus of complex function in complex domain of complex variable z.

    91. complex 3D plot :
      complex3D(pow(x,x)) in complex domain of complex variable x.


      1. complex - complex function - complex math
      2. complex animate(z) or complex2D(x) for phase animation in complex plane, the independent variable must be z.
      3. complex plot(z) for phase and/or modulus in complex plane, the independent variable must be z.
      4. plot complex(z) for phase and/or modulus in complex plane, the independent variable must be z.
      5. complex2D show re2D(x) and im2D(x) for complex 2 curves of real and imag parts in real and imag domain, the independent variable must be x.
      6. complex3D(x) for 3 dimensional graph, the independent variable must be x.
      7. color WebXR surface of complex function on complex plane
      8. Riemann surface - Complex Branches - complex coloring


      1. math handbook content 2 chapter 10 complex function
      2. math handbook content 3 chapter 10 complex function
      3. math handbook content 4 chapter 10 complex function
      4. Complex analysis
      more are in complex function

      special Function

      math handbook chapter 12 special Function
    92. Calculus 微积分 >>


      math handbook chapter 4.1 limit

    93. click the lim(x) button for lim at x->0 :
      `lim_(x->0) sin(x)/x ` = lim sin(x)/x as x->0 = lim(sin(x)/x)

    94. click the nlim(x) button for numeric limit at x->0 :

    95. click the limit(x) button for limit at x->oo :
      limi`t_(x->oo) log(x)/x` = limit( log(x)/x as x->inf )
      = limoo( log(x)/x )

    96. one side limit, left or right side :


      Math Handbook chapter 5 differential calculus

    97. Differentiate
      `d/dx sin(x)` = d(sin(x))

    98. Second order derivative :
      `d^2/dx^2 sin(x)` = d(sin(x),x,2) = d(sin(x) as x order 2)

    99. sin(0.5,x) is inert holder of the 0.5 order derivative `sin^((0.5))(x)`, it can be activated by simplify(x):
      simplify( sin(0.5,x) )

    100. Derivative as x=1 :
      `d/dx | _(x->1) x^6` = d( x^6 as x->1 )

    101. Second order derivative as x=1 :
      `d^2/dx^2| _(x->1) x^6` = d(x^6 as x->1 order 2) = d(x^6, x->1, 2)

      Fractional calculus

      Fractional calculus

    102. semiderivative :
      `d^(0.5)/dx^(0.5) sin(x)` = d(sin(x),x,0.5) = d( sin(x) as x order 0.5) = semid(sin(x))

    103. input sin(0.5,x) as the 0.5 order derivative of sin(x) for
      `sin^((0.5))(x)` = `sin^((0.5))(x)` = sin(0.5,x)

    104. simplify sin(0.5,x) as the 0.5 order derivative of sin(x) :
      `sin^((0.5))(x)` = simplify(sin(0.5,x))

    105. 0.5 order derivative again :
      `d^(0.5)/dx^(0.5) d^(0.5)/dx^(0.5) sin(x)` = d(d(sin(x),x,0.5),x,0.5)

    106. Minus order derivative :
      `d^(-0.5)/dx^(-0.5) sin(x)` = d(sin(x),x,-0.5)

    107. inverse the 0.5 order derivative of sin(x) function :
      f(-1)( sin(0.5)(x) ) = inverse(sin(0.5,x))
    108. Derive the product rule :
      `d/dx (f(x)*g(x)*h(x))` = d(f(x)*g(x)*h(x))
    109. … as well as the quotient rule :
      `d/dx f(x)/g(x)` = d(f(x)/g(x))
    110. for derivatives :
      `d/dx ((sin(x)* x^2)/(1 + tan(cot(x))))` = d((sin(x)* x^2)/(1 + tan(cot(x))))
    111. Multiple ways to derive functions :
      `d/dy cot(x*y)` = d(cot(x*y) ,y)
    112. Implicit derivatives, too :
      `d/dx (y(x)^2 - 5*sin(x))` = d(y(x)^2 - 5*sin(x))
    113. the nth derivative formula :
      ` d^n/dx^n (sin(x)*exp(x)) ` = nthd(sin(x)*exp(x))
    114. differentiate graphically

      some functions cannot be differentiated or integrated symbolically, but can be semi-differentiated and integrated graphically in diff2D.


      Math Handbook chapter 6 integral calculus
    115. indefinite integrate : `int` sin(x) dx = integrate(sin(x))

    116. enter a function sin(x), then click the ∫ button to integrate :
      `int(cos(x)*e^x+sin(x)*e^x)\ dx` = int(cos(x)*e^x+sin(x)*e^x)
      `int tan(x)\ dx` = integrate tan(x) = int(tan(x))

    117. Exact answers for integral :
      `int (2x+3)^7` dx = int (2x+3)^7

    118. Multiple integrate :
      `int int (x + y)\ dx dy` = int( int(x+y, x),y)
      `int int exp(-x)\ dx dx` = integrate(exp(-x) as x order 2)

    119. Definite integration :
      `int _1^3` (2*x + 1) dx = int(2x+1,x,1,3) = int(2x+1 as x from 1 to 3)

    120. Improper integral :
      `int _0^(pi/2)` tan(x) dx =int(tan(x),x,0,pi/2)

    121. Infinite integral :
      `int _0^oo 1/(x^2 + 1)` dx = int(1/x^2+1),x,0,oo)

    122. Definite integration :
      `int_0^1` sin(x) dx = integrate( sin(x),x,0,1 ) = integrate sin(x) as x from 0 to 1


      If integrate(x) cannot do, please try integrator(x) :
    123. integrator(sin(x))

    124. enter sin(x), then click the ∫ dx button to integrator

      fractional integrate

    125. semi integrate, semiint(x) :
      `int sin(x) \ dx^(1/2)` = int(sin(x),x,1/2) = int sin(x) as x order 1/2 = semiint(sin(x)) = d(sin(x),x,-1/2)

    126. indefinite semiintegrate :
      `int sin(x)\ dx^0.5` = `d^(-0.5)/dx^(-0.5) sin(x)` = int(sin(x),x,0.5) = semiint(sin(x))

    127. Definite fractional integration :
      `int_0^1` sin(x) `(dx)^0.5` = integrate( sin(x),x,0.5,0,1 ) = semiintegrate sin(x) as x from 0 to 1

      numeric computation

    128. numeric computation by click on the "~=" button :
      n( `int _0^1` sin(x) dx )

      numeric integrate

      If numeric computation ail, please try numeric integrate nintegrate(x) or nint(x) :
      nint(sin(x),x,0,1) = nint(sin(x))

      integrate graphically

      some functions cannot be differentiated or integrated symbolically, but can be semi-differentiated and integrated graphically in integrate2D.

      vector calculus

    129. differentiate vector(x,x) :

    130. differentiate sin(vector(x,x)) :
    131. Equation 方程 >>

      equation world

      Your operation step by step

    132. solve x^2-1=0 step by step
      1. add ( ) to equation, then add +1:
      2. add ( ) to equation, then power by 0.5:

      inverse an equation

    133. inverse an equation to show multivalue curve.
      inverse( sin(x)=y )
      check its result by clicking the inverse button again.

      polynomial equation

    134. polyroots(x) is holder of polynomial roots, topolyroot(x) convert a polynomial to polyroots.
      convert (x^2-1) to polyroot = topolyroot(x^2-1)

    135. polysolve(x) numerically solve polynomial for multi-roots.

    136. construct polynomial from roots, activate polyroots(x) to polynomial, and reduce roots to polynomial equation = 0 by click on the simplify(x) button.
      simplify( polyroots(2,3) )

    137. solve(x) for sybmbloic and numeric roots :
      solve( x^2-5*x-6 )

    138. solve equation and inequalities, by default, equation = 0 for default unknown x if the unknown omit.
      solve( x^2+3*x+2 )
    139. Symbolic roots :
      solve( x^2 + 4*x + a )

    140. Complex roots :
      solve( x^2 + 4*x + 181 )

    141. solve equation for x.
      solve( x^2-5*x-6=0,x )

    142. numerically root :
      nsolve( x^3 + 4*x + 181 )

    143. nsolve(x) numerically solve for a single root.

    144. find_root(x) numerically find for a single root.

      Algebra Equation f(x)=0

      math handbook chapter 3 algebaic Equation

      solve(x) also solve other algebra equation, e.g.

    145. nonlinear equations:
      solve cos(x)+sin(x)=1

      if solve(x) cannot solve, then click the numeric button to solve numerically.

    146. solve(cos(x)-sin(x)=1)
      then click the numeric button

      absolute equation

    147. solve(x) absolute equation for the unknown x inside the abs(x) function :
      solve abs(x-1)+abs(x-2)=3 for

      Modulus equation

      solve(x) Modulus equation for the unknown x inside the mod(x) function :
      first order equation
    148. solve mod(3x,5)=1 for
      3x mod 5 = 1
      click the solve button. it is solved by inversemod(3,5)

      second order equation
    149. solve mod(x^2-5x+7,2)=1 for
      (x^2-5x+7) mod 2 = 1

    150. solve mod(x^2-5x+6,2)=0 for
      (x^2-5x+6) mod 2 = 0

      congruence equation

      a x ≡ b* (mod m)

      math handbook chapter 20.3 congruence

      a x ≡ b* (mod m) means two remindars in both sides of equation are the same, i.e. congruence, it is the same as the modular equation mod(a*x,m)=mod(b,m). if b=1, the modular equation mod(a*x,m)=1 can be solved by inversemod(a*x,m). By definition of congruence, a x ≡ b* (mod m) if a x − b is divisible by m. Hence, a x ≡ b (mod m) if a x − b = m y, for some integer y. Rearranging the equation to the equivalent form of Diophantine equation a x − m y = b, which can be solved by solve(a*x-m*y=b,x,y).

      first order equation:
    151. solve 3x=1*(mod 5)
      solve mod(3x,5)=mod(1,5)
      second order equation:
    152. solve x^2+3x+2=1*(mod 11)
      solve x^2+3x+2=1 mod(11)
      solve x^2+3x+2=mod(11)


    153. solve(x) Probability equation for the unknown k inside the Probability function P(x),
      solve( P(x>k)=0.2, k)


    154. rsolve(x) recurrence and functional and difference equation for y(x)

    155. fsolve(x) recurrence and functional and difference equation for f(x)


    156. rsolve(x) recurrence and functional and difference equation for y(x)

    157. fsolve(x) recurrence and functional and difference equation for f(x)

      difference equation

    158. rsolve(x) recurrence and functional and difference equation for y(x)

    159. fsolve(x) recurrence and functional and difference equation for f(x)
      f(x+2)- f(x+1)-f(x)=0

      vector equation

      see vector

      2 variables equations f(x,y) = 0

      Diophantine equation f(x,y) = 0

      math handbook chapter 20.5 polynomial

      It is that number of equation is less than number of the unknown, e.g. one equation with 2 unknowns x and y.

    160. One 2D equation f(x,y) = 0 for 2 integer solutions x and y
      solve( 3x-2y-2=0, x,y )
      solve( x^2-3x-2y-2=0, x,y )

      2 variables equation f(x,y) = 0 solved graphically on 2D

      One equation for 2 unknowns x and y, f(x,y) = 0, solved graphically by implicitplot(x)
    161. solve x^2-y^2=1 graphically

      3D equations

      3 variables equation f(x,y,z) = 0

      One equation for 3 unknowns x and y and z, f(x,y,z) = 0, solved graphically :
    162. implicit3D( x-y-z )
    163. plot3D( x-y-z )

      4D equations

      One equation with 4 variables,
    164. f(x,y,z,t) = 0, solved graphically :
      implicit3D( x-y-z-t )

    165. f(x,y,n,t) = 0, solved graphically :
      plot2D( x-y-n-t )

      system of equations

      math handbook chanpter 4.3 system of equations

      system of 2 equations

    166. system of 2 equations f(x,y)=0, g(x,y)=0 for 2 unknowns x and y by default if the unknowns omit with the solve() button :
      solve( 2x+3y-1=0, 3x+2y-1=0 )

    167. system of 2 equations f(x,y)=0 and g(x,y)=0 for 2 unknowns x and y by default if the unknowns omit. On First graph it is solved graphically, where their cross is solution:
      ( 2x+3y-1=0 and 3x+2y-1=0 )

    168. system of 2 equations f(x,y)=0, g(x,y)=0 for 2 unknowns x and y by default if the unknowns omit with the solver() button :
      solver( 2*x+3*y-1=0, 3*x+2*y-1=0 )

      One variable parametric equations x=f(t), y=g(t) on 2D

      A system of 2 equations with a parameter t for 2 unknowns x and y, x=f(t), y=g(t), solved graphically :
    169. parametricplot( x=cos(t), y=sin(t) )
    170. parametric3D( cos(t),sin(t) )
    171. parametric2D( cos(t),sin(t) )

      2 variables parametric equations x=f(u,v), y=f(u,v) on 2D

      A system of 3 equations with 2 parameters u and v for 3 unknowns x and y and z, x=f(u,v), y=f(u,v) solved graphically :
    172. parametric3D( cos(u*v),sin(u*v),u*v )
    173. wireframe3D( cos(x*y),sin(x*y) )
    174. parametric3D( cos(t),sin(t) )

      system of 3 equations

    175. system of 3 equations f(x,y,z)=0, g(x,y,z)=0 h(x,y,z)=0 for 3 unknowns x and y and z by default if the unknowns omit with the solver() button :
      solve([x-y-z==0,x+y+z==6,x+y==5],x,y,z )

      one variable parametric equations x=f(t), y=f(t), z=f(t) in 3D

      A system of 3 equations with a parameter t for 3 unknowns x and y and z, x=f(t), y=f(t), z=f(t), solved graphically :
    176. parametric3D( t,cos(t),sin(t) )

      2 variables parametric equations x=f(u,v), y=f(u,v), z=f(u,v) in 3D

      A system of 3 equations with 2 parameters u and v for 3 unknowns x and y and z, x=f(u,v), y=f(u,v), z=f(u,v), solved graphically :
    177. parametric3D( u,u-v,u*v )
    178. parametric surface


    179. solve(x) Inequalities for x.
      solve( 2*x-1>0 )
      solve( x^2+3*x+2>0 )

      differential equation

      Math handbook chapter 13 differential equation.
      There are two types of differential equations: a single variable is ordinary differential equation (ODE) and multi-variables is partial differential equation (PDE).

      ordinary differential equation (ODE)

      ODE(x) and dsolve(x) and lasove(x) solve ordinary differential equation (ODE) for unknown y.

      Your operation step by step

    180. solve dy/dx=x/y step by step
      1. add ( ) to equation, then time by y:
      2. add ( ) to equation, then time by dx:
      3. integrate by click the integrate button
      4. add ( ) to equation, then time by 2:
      5. add ( ) to equation, then power by 0.5:
    181. linear ordinary differential equations:
      dsolve y'=x*y+x
      ode y'= 2y
      ode y'-y-1=0

    182. nonlinear ordinary differential equations:
      ode (y')^2-2y^2-4y-2=0
      dsolve( y' = sin(x-y) )
      dsolve( y(1,x)=acos(y)-sin(x)-x )
      dsolve( ds(y)-cos(x)=asin(y)-x )
      dsolve( ds(y)=exp(y)-exp(x) )
      dsolve( ds(y)-exp(x)=log(y)-x )
      ode `y'-exp(y)-1/x-x=0`
      ode `y'-sinh(y)+x-1/sqrt(1+x^2)=0`
      ode `y'-tan(y)+x-1/(1+x^2)=0`

    183. second order nonlinear ordinary differential equations:
      dsolve( ds(y,x,2)=asin(y)-sin(x)-x )
      dsolve( ds(y,x,2)-exp(x)=log(y)-x )

    184. 2000 examples of Ordinary differential equation (ODE)

      more examples in bugs

      solve graphically

      The odeplot(x) can be used to visualize individual functions, First and Second order Ordinary Differential Equation over the indicated domain. Input the right hand side of Ordinary Differential Equations, y"=f(x,y,z), where z for y', then click the checkbox. by default it is first order ODE.
    185. second order ODE
      odeplot y''=y'-y

      integral equation

      Math handbook chapter 15 integral equation.

      indefinite integral equation

      indefinite integral equation
    186. linear equation
      input ints(y) -2y = exp(x) for
      ode `int y` dx - 2y = exp(x)

    187. nonlinear equation
      input ints(y) -2y^2 = 0 for
      ode `int y` dx - 2y^2 = 0

      double integral equation

      input ints(y,x,2) for double integral
    188. linear equation
      ode( `int int y` dx -y = exp(x) )

    189. nonlinear equation
      ode( `int int y` dx *y= exp(x) )

      definite integral equation

      definite integral equation
    190. linear equation
      input integrates(y(t)/sqrt(x-t),t,0,x) = 2y for
      ode `int_0^x (y(t))/sqrt(x-t)` dt = 2y

    191. nonlinear equation
      input integrates(y(t)/sqrt(x-t),t,0,x) = 2y^2 for
      ode `int_0^x (y(t))/sqrt(x-t)` dt = 2y^2

      differential integral equation

    192. input ds(y)-ints(y) -y-exp(x)=0 for
      ode `dy/dx-int y dx -y-exp(x)=0`

      fractional differential equation

      dsolve(x) also solves fractional differential equation
    193. linear equations:
      ode `d^0.5/dx^0.5 y = 2y`
      ode `d^0.5/dx^0.5 y -y -exp(4x) = 0`
      ode `(d^0.5y)/dx^0.5 -y=x`
      ode `d^0.5/dx^0.5 y -y - exp(x)*x = 0`

    194. nonlinear equations:
      ode `(d^0.5y)/dx^0.5 = y^2*exp(x)`
      ode `(d^0.5y)/dx^0.5 = sin(y)*exp(x)`
      ode `(d^0.5y)/dx^0.5 = exp(y)*exp(x)`
      ode `(d^0.5y)/dx^0.5 = log(y)*exp(x)`
      ode `(d^0.5y)/dx^0.5 - a*y^2-b*y-c = 0`
      ode `(d^0.5y)/dx^0.5 - log(y) - exp(x) + x=0`
      ode `(d^(1/2)y)/dx^(1/2)-asin(y)+x-sin(x+pi/4)=0`

      linear fractional integral equation

    195. ode `d^-0.5/dx^-0.5 y = 2y`

      nonlinear fractional integral equation

    196. ode `d^-0.5/dx^-0.5 y = 2y^2`

      fractional differential integral equation

    197. ds(y,x,0.5)-ints(y,x,0.5) -y-exp(x)=0
      ode `(d^0.5y)/(dx^0.5)-int y (dx)^0.5 -y-exp(x)=0`

      complex order differential equation

    198. ode `(d^(1-i) y)/dx^(1-i)-2y-exp(x)=0`

      variable order differential equation

    199. ode `(d^sin(x) y)/dx^sin(x)-2y-exp(x)=0`

      system of differential equations

      system of 2 equations with 2 unknowns x and y with a variable t :
    200. linear equations:
      dsolve( ds(x,t)=x-2y,ds(y,t)=2x-y )

    201. nonlinear equations:
      dsolve( ds(x,t)=x-2y^2,ds(y,t)=2x^2-y )

    202. the second order system of 2 equations with 2 unknowns x and y with a variable t :
      dsolve( x(2,t)=x,y(2,t)=2x-y )

    203. the 0.5th order system of 2 equations with 2 unknowns x and y with a variable t :
      dsolve( x(0.5,t)=x,y(0.5,t)=x-y )

      partial differental equation

      Math handbook chapter 14 partial differential equation.
      PDE(x) and pdsolve(x) solve partial differental equation with two variables t and x for y, then click the plot2D button to plot solution, pull the t slider to change the t value. click the plot3D button for 3D graph.

    204. linear equation:
      pde `dy/dt = dy/dx-2y`

    205. nonlinear equation:
      pde `dy/dt = dy/dx*y^2`
      pde `dy/dt = 2dy/dx-y^2`
      pde `(d^2y)/(dt^2) -2* (d^2y)/(dx^2)-y^2-2x*y-x^2=0`

      partial differential integral equation

    206. ds(y,t)-ints(y,x)-y-exp(x)=0
      pde `(dy)/(dt)-int y (dx) -y-exp(x)=0`

      fractional partial differental equation

      PDE(x) and pdsolve(x) solve fractional partial differental equation.

    207. linear equations:
      pde `(d^0.5y)/dt^0.5 = dy/dx-2y`

    208. nonlinear equations:
      pde `(d^0.5y)/dt^0.5 = 2* (dy)/dx*y^2`
      pde `(d^0.5y)/dt^0.5 = 2* (d^0.5y)/dx^0.5-y^2`
      pde `(d^1.5y)/(dt^1.5) + (d^1.5y)/(dx^1.5)-2y^2-4x*y-2x^2 =0`

      More examples are in Analytical Solution of Fractional Differential Equations

      fractional partial differential integral equation

    209. ds(y,t)-ints(y,x,0.5)-exp(x)=0
      pde `(dy)/(dt)-int y (dx)^0.5 -exp(x)=0`
    210. ds(y,t)-ints(y,x,0.5)+2y-exp(x)=0
      pde `(dy)/(dt)-int y (dx)^0.5 +2y-exp(x)=0`
    211. ds(y,t)-ds(y,x)-ints(y,x,0.5)+3y-exp(x)=0
      pde `(dy)/(dt)-dy/dy-int y (dx)^0.5 +3y-exp(x)=0`

      system of partial differential equations

      system of 2 equations with two variables t and x for 2 unknowns y and z:
    212. linear equations:
      pde( ds(y,t)-ds(y,x)=2z-2y,ds(z,t)-ds(z,x)=4z-4y )

    213. the second order system of 2 equations :
      pde( ds(y,t)-ds(y,x,2)=2z-2y,ds(z,t)-ds(z,x,2)=4z-4y )

    214. the 0.5th order system of 2 equations :
      pde( ds(y,t)-ds(y,x,0.5)=2z-2y,ds(z,t)-ds(z,x,0.5)=4z-4y )

      test solution

      test solution for algebaic equation

      test solution for algebaic equation to the unknown x by test( solution,eq, x) or click the test button :
    215. test( -1, x^2-5*x-6, x )
    216. test( -1, x^2-5*x-6 )

      test solution for differential equation

      test solution for differential equation to the unknown y by test( solution, eq ) or click the test button :
    217. test( exp(2x), `dy/dx=2y` )
    218. test( exp(4x), `(d^0.5y)/dx^0.5=2y` )

      test solution for recurrence equation to the unknown y

      by rtest( solution, eq ) or click the rtest button.

      test solution for recurrence equation to the unknown f

      by ftest( solution, eq ) or click the ftest button.

      test equation

    219. tests over 1000 Differential Equations


    220. There are over 1000 bugs
    221. Transform 转换 >>

      Math handbook chapter 11 integral transform

      laplace transform

    222. First graph is in real domain, second graph is in Laplace domain by Lapalce transform

    223. Input your function, click the laplace button :

      inverse laplace transform

    224. First graph is in Laplace domain , second graph is in real domain by inverse Lapalce transform

      Fourier transform

    225. First graph is in real domain, second graph is in Fourier domain by Fourier transform

      Input your function, click the Fourier button :

    226. fourier(exp(x))
    227. sine wave
    228. Weierstrass function animation

      convolution transform

      First graph is in real domain, second graph is in convolution domain by convolution transform convolute(x) with x by default:
    229. Input your function, click the convolute button :

    230. convoute sin(x) with exp(x) :

    231. convolution of two lists

      Discrete Math 离散数学 >>

      The default index variable in discrete math is k.
    232. Input harmonic(2,x), click the defintion(x) button to show its defintion, check its result by clicking the simplify(x) button, then click the limoo(x) button for its limit as x->oo.


    233. Δ(k^2) = difference(k^2)
      Check its result by the sum(x) button

      Summation ∑

      Indefinite sum

    234. ∑ k = sum(k)

    235. Check its result by the difference(x) button
      Δ sum(k) = difference( sum(k) )

    236. In order to auto plot, the index variable should be x :
      `sum_x x` = sum(x,x)

      definite sum

    237. Definite sum = Partial sum x from 1 to x :
      1+2+ .. +x = `sum _(k=1) ^x k` = sum(k,k,1,x)

    238. Definite sum, sum x from 1 to 5 :
      1+2+ .. +5 = ∑(x,x,1,5) = sum(x,x,1,5)

      Definite sum with parameter x as upper limit

      sum(k^2, k,1, x)
    239. Check its result by the difference(x) button, and then the expand(x) button.

    240. convert to sum series definition :
      tosum( exp(x) )

    241. expand above sum series by the expand(x) button :
      expand( tosum(exp(x)) )

      Indefinite sum

    242. ∑ k

    243. sum( x^k/k!,k )

    244. partial sum of 1+2+ .. + k = ∑ k = partialsum(k)

    245. Definite sum of 1+2+ .. +5 = ∑ k

      partial sum with parameter upper limit x

    246. sum(1/k^2,k,1,x)

      infinite sum

    247. sum from 1 to oo:
      Infinite sum of 1/1^2+1/2^2+1/3^2 .. +1/k^2+... = sum( 1/k^2,k,1,oo )

    248. sum from 0 to oo:
      Infinite sum of 1/0!+1/1!+1/2! .. +1/k!+... = sum( 1/k!,k,0,oo )

    249. Infinite sum x from 0 to inf :
      1/0!+1/1!+1/2!+ .. +1/x! = sum 1/(x!) as x->oo

      Series 级数

    250. convert to sum series definition :
      tosum( exp(x) ) = toseries( exp(x) )
    251. check its result by clicking the simplify(x) button :
      simplify( tosum( exp(x) ))
    252. expand above sum series :
      expand( tosum(exp(x)) )
    253. compare to Taylor series with numeric derivative:
      taylor( exp(x), x=0, 8)
    254. compare to series with symbolic derivative:
      series( exp(x) )
    255. Taylor series expansion as x=0, by default x=0.
      taylor( exp(x) as x=0 ) = taylor(exp(x))

    256. series expand not only to taylor series:
      series( exp(x) )
    257. but aslo to other series expansion:
      series( zeta(2,x) )

      the fractional order series expansion at x=0 for 5 terms and the 1.5 order

    258. series( sin(x),x,0,5,1.5 )

      Product ∏

    259. prod(x,x)

    260. `prod x`

      Definition 定义式 >>

    261. definition of function :
      definition( exp(x) )
    262. check its result by clicking the simplify(x) button :
      simplify( def(exp(x)) )
    263. series definition

    264. convert to series definition :
      toseries( exp(x) )
    265. check its result by clicking the simplify(x) button :
      simplify( tosum(exp(x)) )
    266. integral definition

    267. convert to integral definition :
      toint( exp(x) )
    268. check its result by clicking the simplify(x) button :
      simplify( toint(exp(x)) )
    269. Number Theory 数论 >>

      math handbook chapter 20 Number Theory.
      When the variable x of polynomial is numnber, it becomes polynomial number :
    270. poly number:

    271. Hermite number:

    272. harmonic number:
      harmonic(1,1,4) = harmonic(1,4) = harmonic(4)

    273. Bell number:

    274. double factorial 6!!
    275. binomial number `((4),(2))`

    276. combination number `C_2^4`

    277. harmonic number `H_4`


    278. is prime number? isprime(12321)
    279. is prime number? is_prime(12321)
    280. Calculate the 4nd prime by prime(4)
    281. Calculate the 4nd prime by nth_prime(4)
    282. next prime greater than 4 by nextprime(4)
    283. next prime greater than 4 by next_prime(4)
    284. prime in range 4 to 9 by prime_range(4,9)
    285. prime in range 1 to 9 by prime_range(9)
    286. integer equation

    287. congruence equation:
      3x-1 = 2*(mod 2)
      x^2-3x-2 = 2mod( 2)

    288. modular equation:
      solve mod(3x,5)=1 for
      3x mod 5 = 1
      solve mod(x^2-5x+7,2)=1 for
      (x^2-5x+7) mod 2 = 1
      solve mod(x^2-5x+6,2)=0 for
      (x^2-5x+6) mod 2 = 0

    289. Diophantine equation:
      number of equation is less than number of the unknown, e.g. one equation with 2 unkowns x and y,
      solve( 3x-2y-2=0, x,y )
      solve( x^2-3x-2y-2=0, x,y )

      more example is number theory in function and in JavaScript javascsript math

    290. Probability 概率 >>

      math handbook chapter 16 Probability

    291. standard normal probability density function
      Guassian function gauss(x)

    292. standard normal distribution function gaussi(x)
      Gaussian integral gaussi(x)
    293. standard normal distribution function Phi(x):
    294. Probability of standard normal distribution P(range(-1,1)) between -1 and 1:

    295. All probability of standard normal distribution P(x) between -oo and oo:

    296. probability of standard normal distribution P(x<0.8):
    297. solve Probability equation for x by default :

    298. the binomial coefficient or choice number, combination(4,x) = C(4,2) = bimonial(4,2)

    299. arrangement number, permutation(4,x) = P(4,2),

      more example in JavaScript mathjs

      Multi elements 多元 >>

      We can put multi elements together with list(), vector(), and. Most operation in them is the same as in one element, one by one. e.g. +, -, *, /, ^, differentiation, integration, sum, etc. We count its elements with size(), as same as to count elements in function. But vector operation may be not.


      Its position of the element is fix so we cannot sort it. We can plot multi curves with the and. e.g.
    300. differentiate :
      d(x and x*x)

    301. integrate :
      int(x and x*x)


      There are 2 types of list: [1,2,3] is numeric list in JavaScript, and the list(1,2,3) function is symbolic list in mathHand. The symbolic list element can be symbol, formula and function.

      symbolic list

    302. sort list value :

    303. two lists added value :

      numeric list

    304. two lists join together

    305. convolution of two lists

    306. sort with JavaScript calculator:

    307. two lists added value by the ending with =

    308. JavaScript calculation on the ≈ button by input:
      click the ≈ button

      more example in JavaScript mathjs

      Statistics 统计

      math handbook chapter 16 Statistics

      symbolic list

    309. sort(list(x)), add numbers together by total(list()), max(list()), min(list()), size(list()) with mathHand calculator on the = button. e.g.

      numeric list

    310. with JavaScript numeric calculator on the ≈ button :

      more example in JavaScript mathjs

      Linear Algebra 线性代数 >>


      math handbook chapter 8 vector

      It has direction. the position of the element is fix so we cannot sort it. numeric vector is number with direction. the system auto plot the 2-dimentional vector. two vector(x) in the same dimention can be operated by +, -, *, /, and ^, the result can be checked by its reverse operation.

      There are two types of vector: symbolic vector(a,b) and numeric vector([1,2])

      symbolic vector

    311. vector(1,2)+vector(3,4)

      vector equation
    312. solve vector(1,2)+x=vector(2,4) is as same as x=vector(2,4)-vector(1,2)
    313. solve 2x-vector(2,4)=0 is as same as x=vector(2,4)/2
    314. solve 2/x-vector(2,4)=0 is as same as x=2/vector(2,4)
    315. solve vector(1,2)*x-vector(2,4)=0 is as same as x=vector(2,4)/vector(1,2)
    316. solve vector(1,2)*x-20=0 is as same as x=20/vector(1,2)
    317. solve vector(2,3)*x+vector(3,2)*y=vector(1,1),x,y is as same as solve(-1+2*x+3*y=0,-1+3*x+2*y=0)

      vector calculus
    318. differentiate vector(x,x) :

    319. differentiate sin(vector(x,x)) :

      numeric vector

    320. vector([1,2])+vector([3,4])

      Array 数组

      math handbook chapter 4 matrix

      Complex array [[1,2],[3,4]] can be operated by +,-,*,/,^,

    321. with array calculator 数组计算器
    322. with JavaScript numeric calculator

      more example in JavaScript mathjs

      Matrix 矩阵

      math handbook chapter 4 matrix

      Complex matrix([[1,2],[3,4]]) can be operated by +,-,*,/,\,^,

    323. with matrix calculator 矩阵计算器
    324. matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])

      programming 编程 >>

      There are many coding :
    325. math coding 数学编程
    326. HTML + JavaScript coding 网页编程
    327. cloud computing = web address coding 云计算 = 网址编程 = 网址计算器

      Graphics >>

    328. Classification by plotting function 按制图函数分类
    329. Classification by dimension 按维数分类
    330. Classification by appliaction 按应用分类
    331. Classification by objects 按物体分类
    332. Classification by function 按函数分类
    333. Classification by equation 按方程分类
    334. Classification by domain 按领域分类
    335. Classification by libary 按文库分类
    336. Classification by calculator 按计算器分类
    337. Classification by platform 按平台分类

      Plot 制图 >>

    338. plane curve 2D
    339. surface 2D

      3D graph 立体图 plot 3D >>

    340. space curve 3D
    341. surface 3D
    342. surface 4D

      Drawing 画画 >>

    343. drawing
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