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第一篇女性生殖系统解剖生理 The first chapter of the female reproductive system anatomy and physiology

第一章女性生殖系统解剖 The first chapter of the female reproductive system anatomy

生殖系统是由生殖器官组成的系统。 Reproductive system is a system composed of the reproductive organs. 按部位分, 可分成内生殖器官和外生殖器官,分别指生殖系统在体内不可见的部分和体外可见的部分。 By parts of the points, can be divided into internal reproductive organs and genitalia, refer to the reproductive system in vivo and in vitro part invisible visible part.

第一节外生殖器 Section genitalia

外生殖器生殖器的外露部分,又称外阴 (实图)。 Genitalia for genitalia exposed portions, also known as the vulva (the real figure). 位于耻骨联合至会阴及两股内侧之间,包括阴阜、大小阴唇、 阴蒂 、前庭大腺、尿道口及阴道口等。 Located between the pubic symphysis to the perineum, and the two share the inside, including the mons pubis, labia, clitoris , vestibular gland, urethra and vagina mouth and so on.

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一、阴阜 是覆盖于耻骨联合前上方隆起的脂肪软垫,成年妇女阴阜上有阴毛丛生,呈倒置三角形分布。 First, mons pubis is covered on top of the ridge in front of the pubic symphysis fat cushions have pubic hair clumps, was inverted triangular distribution on adult women mons pubis.

二、大阴唇 为阴阜两侧向下延伸的丰满皮肤皱襞,下方在会阴体前相融合,称会阴后联合。 Second, both sides of the labia majora extending downward plump mons skin folds, in front of the perineal body below the integration, after a joint called the perineum. 内含脂肪、结缔组织及静脉丛,创伤后易形成血肿。 Contains fat, connective tissue and venous plexus and easy post-traumatic hematoma formation.

三、 小阴唇在大阴唇内侧,为两片薄片皱襞,皮脂腺较多,表面湿润。 Third, the labia minora on the inside of the labia majora, for two sheet folds, sebaceous glands are more moist surface. 血管与神经较丰富,感觉灵敏。 Blood vessels and nerves were abundant, and perceptive. 上方或前端各分为二叶,包绕阴蒂,在中线融合,上叶为阴蒂包皮,下叶为阴蒂系带;后端在阴道口下方相连。 The top or front of each divided into two leaves, surrounding the clitoris, in the midline fusion of the upper lobe of the foreskin, the lower lobe of the clitoris lace; the back end in the vaginal opening is connected to the bottom. 形成阴唇系带,与处女膜之间形成一深窝,称舟状窝,分娩后即消失。 The formation of the labia lace, and the hymen is formed between a deep hole, called the scaphoid fossa, disappeared after childbirth.

四、 阴蒂为圆柱形勃起组织,位于两侧小阴唇顶端,相当于男性的阴茎 ,分为头、体和脚三部,由海绵样组织和不随意肌组成,富含神经血管,受伤后易出血。 Fourth, the clitoris is cylindrical erectile tissue located on both sides of the labia minora top, equivalent to the male penis , into the head, body and feet three, a sponge-like tissue and involuntary muscle composition, rich in nerves and blood vessels, after the injury prone bleeding.

五、 阴道前庭 为两小阴唇之间的菱形区,前方有尿道外口,后方有阴道口。 Fifth, the vaginal vestibule two labia minora between diamond district, in front of the external urethral orifice, rear have vaginal opening. 阴道口有粘膜皱襞环绕一周,称“ 处女膜 ”。 Vaginal mouth mucosal folds around a week, called " hymen . " 开口多在中央,未婚时呈圆形或半月形,亦有呈筛状者;婚后处女膜破裂呈星形裂口,分娩后因进一步撕裂而呈锯龄状隆组织,称“ 处女膜痕”。 Opening more in the center, while unmarried round or half-moon, who also was a sieve-like; marriage hymen was ruptured star rip, tear and after childbirth due to further lung tissue showed a saw-like age, called " hymen marks. " 临床上一般可根据处女膜的形式,分辨未婚、已婚或经产者。 Clinically, generally based on the hymen forms distinguish unmarried, married or with the middle class.

六、前庭大腺(巴氏腺)位于前庭下方阴道口的两侧,开口于小阴唇内侧中、下三分之一交界处,性冲动时分泌粘液润滑阴道 ,有炎症时管口发红,如腺管闭塞,可形成脓肿或囊肿。 Six, Bartholin (Pap glands) located in the vestibule beneath the vaginal opening on both sides, opening in the labia minora inside of the middle and lower third of the junction, when the sexual impulse lubricating mucus vagina , redness when there is inflammation of the nozzle, such as duct obstruction, abscesses or cysts can form.

七、 会阴阴道口和肛门之间的一段软组织,由皮肤、肌肉及筋膜组成。 Seven, perineum to the vagina and anus for some soft tissue between the skin, muscle and fascia. 由会阴浅、深横肌、球海绵体肌及肛门外括约肌等肌腱联合组成的中心腱,称“会阴体”,厚约3~4cm,表层较宽厚,深部逐渐变窄呈楔形。 By perineal shallow, deep transverse muscle, center bulbospongiosus and external anal sphincter and other tendon tendon coalition, called "perineal body", thickness 3 ~ 4cm, more generous surface, deep wedge tapers. 会阴是骨盆底的一部分,起重要支持作用。 Perineum is part of the pelvic floor, play an important supporting role. 分娩时会阴部所受压力最大,保护不好可造成裂伤,如不及时处理,日后可发生膀胱及(或)直肠膨出以及子宫脱垂等。 Pressure on the perineum during childbirth greatest protection can cause a bad laceration, if not treated, can occur in the bladder and (or) rectal prolapse and uterine prolapse in the future.

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/ 健康 / 医学 / 人体解剖学 / Health / Medical / Human Anatomy
外阴 (实图) Vulva (real figure)
卵巢 Ovary

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